Research Publications



Journal Articles


  1. Anoop Kadan, Deepak P., Manjary P. Gangan, Savitha Sam Abraham, Lajish V. L., "REDAffectiveLM: leveraging affect enriched embedding and transformer-based neural language model for readers’ emotion detection", Knowledge and Information Systems, 2024, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s10115-024-02194-4 (SCI, IF: 2.5) [Abstract][Paper][Code][Pre-print]

  2. Anoop Kadan, Deepak P., Sahely Bhadra, Manjary P. Gangan, Lajish V. L., "Understanding latent affective bias in large pre-trained neural language models", Natural Language Processing Journal, Volume 7, 2024, 100062, Elsevier, ISSN: 2949-7191, DOI: 10.1016/j.nlp.2024.100062 [Abstract][Paper][Code][Pre-print]
  3. Anoop K, Deepak P., Savitha Sam Abraham, Lajish V. L., Manjary P Gangan, "Readers’ affect: predicting and understanding readers’ emotions with deep learning" Journal of Big Data, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Article number: 82, June 2022, pp. 1--31, Springer Nature, ISSN: 2196-1115, DOI: 10.1186/s40537-022-00614-2 (SCI, IF: 8.6) [Paper][Datasets: RENh-4k and REN-10k][Webpage]

  4. Manjary P Gangan, Anoop K, Lajish V. L., "Distinguishing natural and computer generated images using Multi-Colorspace fused EfficientNet", Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 68, 2022, 103261, Elsevier, ISSN 2214-2126, DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2022.103261 (SCI, IF: 3.8) [Abstract][Paper][Dataset][Code][Pre-print]

  5. Suharshala R., Anoop K, Manjary P Gangan, Lajish V. L., "Online news popularity prediction before publication: effect of readability, emotion, psycholinguistics features" IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2022, pp. 539-545, ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v11.i2.pp539-545 (Scopus) [Paper][Dataset]

  6. Benson CC, Lajish VL, Rajamani K. Classification of Low-Grade and High-Grade Glioma from MR Brain Images Using Multiple-Instance Learning with Combined Feature Set. Vietnam Journal of Computer Science. 2022 May 23;9(02):163-86.doi: 10.1142/S2196888822500117

  7. Vivek P and Lajish V.L , Automatic Content Based Classification of Speech Audio using Multiple Instance Learning, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol.8(6), pp. 410-414, ISS 2277-3878, 2020.

  8. Baiju.K.B, Sabna.T.S, Lajish.V.L , Segmentation of Malayalam Handwritten Characters in to Pattern Primitives and Recognition using SVM International , Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJEAT), 9(3), pp. 1817-1822 ISBN 2249-8958, 2020.

  9. Bibish Kumar K T, R.K. Sunil Kumar, Sandesh E PA, Lajish V.L , A Comparative Study of Lip region Segmentation in Different Colour Space for Lip reading in Indian Context, International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, Vol. 33(1), pp. 73-89, ISSN 2319-3336, 2020

  10. K. T. Bibish Kumar, R. K. Sunil Kumar, E. P. A. Sandesh, S. Sourabh,   V. L. Lajish , Viseme set identification from Malayalam Phonemes and Allophones, International Journal of Speech Technology (IJST), Springer US, Vol. 22(4), pp. 1149-1166, ISSN: 1572-8110, 2019

  11. Reshma PK, Suharshala Rajagopal, Lajish V.L , Document and Query Similarity Indexing using VSM for Unstructured Documents and Natural Language Queries, A Journal of Composition Theory, Vol. XII (XII), pp.1074-1080, ISSN 0731-6755, 2019.

  12. Vivek P, Sandesh E PA, Lajish V.L, Durational Characteristics of Allophonic Variations in Malayalam Consonant Phonemes , International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE) ,Vol. 7(3), pp. 488-495, ISSN: 2348-2281, 2019.

  13. Kumar Rajamani Benson C. C., Lajish V. L.  Automated Identification of Brain Tumors And Classification Of Tumor Grades From MR Images Using Mi-Graph Based Multiple Instance Learning , Int. Journal of Imaging Science &Engineering(IJISE), Vol.11(1), pp. 7-14, ISSN: 1934-9955, 2019.

  14. Baiju.K.B and Lajish V.L , , Primitive Segmentation of Online Malayalam Handwritten Strokes using Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Algorithm and Eight Direction Freeman Code, International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), Vol. 7(2), pp. 87-90, ISSN: 2393-9028, 2019.

  15. Reshma PK and Lajish V.L, Ontology Based Semantic Information Retrieval Model for University Domain , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 13(15), pp. 12142-45, ISSN: 0973-9769, 2018

  16. Vivek P, Sandesh E PA and Lajish V.L, Durational Characteristics of Allophonic Variations in Malayalam Vowel Phonemes , International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), Vol. 6(3), pp. 1795-1801, ISSN:  2348-2281, 2018

  17. Baiju.K.B, Sabeerath.K and Lajish.V.L, A Quick Review on Features and Classification Techniques in Online Recognition of Handwritten Dravidian Scripts, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT), 6(11), 3245-3251, 2321-9637, November 2018. 

  18. Sandesh E PA, Lajish V.L, Bibish Kumar K T, R.K.Sunil Kumar , " A Comparative Study of Colour Spaces for Mouth Region Segmentation in Indian Context ", International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, VOLUME-6 ISSUE-8, AUGUST 2018, page no. 2108-2117

  19. Benson C. C, Partha Sanker, Lajish V. L., Kumar Rajamani, “Fractal Analysis of MRI Data for the Improved Characterization of Brain Tumors”, Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, 10(5), 2017, pp.1305-1315, Print ISSN:0973-6107, Online ISSN: 0974-4738.

  20. R.K Sunil Kumar, K.M Muraleedharan, P Vivek and V.L Lajish, Study of nonlinear properties of vocal tract and its effectiveness in speaker modeling, Journal of Acoustical Society of India, Vol. 43, No 2, pp 116-124, 2016 

  21. Vivek P, Kumar Rajamani, Lajish V L, "Effective News Video Classification Based On Audio Content: A Multiple Instance Learning Approach", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), Vol. 7 (6), 2016, 2556-2560

  22. Benson C. C, Lajish V.L and Kumar Rajamani, A Novel Skull Stripping and Enhancement Algorithm for the Improved Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Mathematical Morphology, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing. 8(7),ISSN: 2074-9074(Print), ISSN: 2074-9082 (Online), 2016 

  23. Baiju K.B, Sabeerath .K, Lajish .V.L, "Online Recognition of Malayalam Scripts with Minimized Feature Dimensions", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Vol. 5, Issue 9, September 2016, DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.59106 472

  24. Lajish V.L, Study of nonlinear properties of vocal tract and its effectiveness in speaker modeling,  Journal of Acoustical Society of India, Vol. 43(2), pp.116-124, ISSN 0973-3302,  2016.
  25. Benson. C. C, Kumar Rajamani and Lajish V.L., A Review on Automatic Marker Identification Methods in Watershed Algorithms Used for Medical Image Segmentation, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 9, ISSN 2348 – 7968, pp 829-839,  September, 2015 

  26. Deepa V, Benson C. C, Lajish V. L, "Gray Matter and White Matter Segmentation from MRI Brain Images Using Clustering Methods", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 02 Issue: 08, Nov-2015

  27. Sunil Kumar R.K and Lajish V.L, Phoneme Recognition using Zerocrossing Interval Distribution of Speech Patterns and ANN, International Journal of Speech Technology (IJST),Springer US, Vol. 15(4), pp. 125-131, ISSN 1572-8110,  2012.

  28. Wilson Thomas and Lajish V.L, “Novel Techniques to Eradicate Energy Inefficiencies that Abbreviate the Lifetime of the Cell Phone Based WSNs”,  International Journal of Computer & Communication Technology (IJCCT), ISSN: 0975 –7449, vol-3(3), pp-28-32, May 2012.

  29. Lajish V.L., Sunil Kumar R.K. and Vivek P, “Speaker Identification Using a Nonlinear Speech Model and ANN”, International Journal of Advanced Information Technology (IJAIT), ISSN: 2231 - 1548 (Online) ; 2231 - 1920 (Print), vol. 2, no.5, October 2012


Book Chapters
  1. Anoop K, Manjary P Gangan, P Deepak, and V L Lajish, "Leveraging Heterogeneous Data for Fake News Detection", Linking and Mining Heterogeneous and Multi-view Data. Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 229-264, January 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-01871-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01872-6_10 [Paper][Pre-print]

  2. Anoop K., "Affect-Oriented Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning", AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories By Scientists for the People 2019, Vigyan Prasar, DST, India, 2020, pp. 402-404, ISBN: 978-81-7480-337-5. [Paper: Link1, Link2]

  3. Lajish V L, Anoop K, Manjary P Gangan, "The Impact of Online Product Reviews and Social Media Interactions on Consumer Purchase Behaviour Prediction: An Opinion Mining Perspective", Infinitude: Frontiers of Research in Mathematical and Computing Science, UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, December 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87398-82-5 [Paper]

  4. P.Vivek, Lajish VL.,"/ Malayalam padha mathrkakal adisthanamakkiyulla phon dialing samvidanavum prayogikathayu/", Book: 'Arivum Malayalavum sarvakalashala gaveshanam samoohathin', ISBN:978-81-928620-1-9, 2017.

  5. C.C.Benson, Lajish VL., "/ Masthishkarbudha roka nirnayathil kambuterinte pank/", Book: 'Arivum Malayalavum sarvakalashala gaveshanam samoohathin', ISBN:978-81-928620-1-9, 2017.

  6. Anoop K., Lajish V. L., "മലയാളം ന്യൂസ് വീഡിയോകളുടെ ഉള്ളടക്കാദ്ധിഷ്ഠിതമായ സൂചികയും വീണ്ടെടുക്കലും: ഒരു മൾടി മോഡൽ സമീപനം (/malayāḷaṁ n'yūs vīḍiyēākaḷuṭe uḷḷaṭakkād'dhiṣṭhitamāya sūcikayuṁ vīṇṭeṭukkaluṁ: oru maḷṭi mēāḍal samīpanaṁ/)", Arivum Malayalavum sarvakalashala gaveshanam samoohathin, 2017, ISBN: 978-81-928620-1-9

  7. Lajish V.L, Reconstructed Phase Space based speech Model for Improved Speaker Identification, Frontiers of Research in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Published by UGC-HERC, University of Calicut, pp. 244-263, ISBN : 9788191070627.


International Conferences


  1. Anoop K., Manjary P. Gangan, Deepak P., Lajish V. L., "Towards an Enhanced Understanding of Bias in Pre-trained Neural Language Models: A Survey with Special Emphasis on Affective Bias", Responsible Data Science. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 940, 2022, Springer, Singapore, 7th International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2021), IIT Patna, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-4453-6_2 [Paper][Github][Pre-print]

  2. Anoop K, Deepak P, and Lajish V L. 2020. "Emotion Cognizance Improves Health Fake News Identification". In 24th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2020), August 12–14, 2020, Seoul, Republic of Korea. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages, DOI: 10.1145/3410566.3410595 [Paper][Dataset][Presentation][Video][Pre-print]

  3. P. K. Reshma, Suharshala R. and V. L. Lajish, "A Novel Document and Query Similarity Indexing using VSM for Unstructured Documents," 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), pp. 676-681, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074255

  4. Anjali T, Chandini K, Anoop K, Lajish V L, “Temperature Prediction using Machine Learning Approaches”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), IEEE, Kannur, 5-6 July 2019, pp. 1264-1268, E-ISBN: 978-1-7281-0283-2 [Paper][Github]

  5. R Suharshala, Anoop K, Lajish V L, “Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Interactions using Senti-Lexicon based Hybrid Features”, 3rd International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), India, IEEE, Nov. 2018, pp.772-777, E-ISBN: 978-1-5386-4985-5 [Paper]

  6. Manjary P Gangan, Anoop K, Lajish V L, “Indexing and Retrieval of Malayalam News Videos Based on Word Image Matching”, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE, Udupi, 13-16 September 2017, pp. 1103-1108, E-ISBN: 978-1-5090-6367-3 [Paper]

  7. Fathima Kunhi Mohamed, V.L. Lajish, "Nonlinear Speech Analysis and Modeling for Malayalam Vowel Recognition", Procedia Computer Science, Volume 93, 2016, pp. 676-682, Elsevier, ISSN 1877-0509,

  8. Anoop K, Manjary P Gangan and V. L. Lajish, “Mathematical Morphology and Region Clustering Based Text Information Extraction from Malayalam News Videos”, Advances in Signal processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems, Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems (SIRS-2015), Dec,16-19. Trivandrum, India, 2015. [Paper][Code]

  9. Benson C. C, Lajish V. L and Kumar Rajamani, “Brain Tumor Extraction from MRI Brain Images using Marker Based Watershed Algorithm”, IEEE Fourth  International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), SCMS, Aluva, Kochi, 2015, pp. 318 – 323.

  10. Lajish. V. L and Sunil Kumar Kopparapu, “Online Handwritten Devanagari Stroke Recognition using Extended Directional Features”,  Published in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS),  December 15-17, Gold Coast, Australia, 2014.

  11. Benson C.C. and Lajish V.L, “Morphology Based Enhancement and Skull Stripping of MRI Brain Images”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Applications, March 6 & 7, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 2014.

  12. Lajish V.L, Vivek P and Sunil Kumar R.K., “HMM Word Modeling and Short Query Based Directory Access for Automatic Phone Dialing in Malayalam”, Proc. of the Indo-French Conference on Acoustics, Acoustics 2013, 10-15 Nov., New Delhi, 2013.

  13. Sunil Kumar R.K, Vivek P. and Lajish V.L., “Power Spectrum Analysis of SpeechSignals (Focused on Chaotic Properties) for Speaker Identification”,  Proc. of the Indo-French Conference on Acoustics, Acoustics 2013, 10-15 Nov., New Delhi, 2013


National Conferences


  1. Liji SK, Lajish VL. "An Efficient Malayalam Query Processing System for University Enquiry". Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC) 2018.

  2. Santhosh K.P, Benson C.C and Lajish V. L, “A Survey on Text Information Extraction from the Scene Images”, National Workshop on Expertising Network Infrastructure and Administration Concepts for the Academic Fraternity (ENIAC), 2016.

  3. Habeebath K P and Lajish V L, “Statistical Language Models for Automatic Speech Recognition; Review and Perspectives”, National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC 2016), CUSAT, 27th February 2016.

  4. Sabeerath K, Baiju K. B and Lajish V. L, “OHCR in Malayalam with Different Feature Combination using MLP and KNN”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and Image Processing (RCIP 2016), Jointly Organized by Dept. of IT & Dept. of MCA, College of Engineering Vadakara, & Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calicut 22-23 Feb 2016.

  5. Fathima Kunhi Mohamed and Lajish V. L, “Enhancing the Feature Extraction Process for Malayalam Vowels Recognition with Lyapunov Metrics”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and Image Processing (RCIP 2016), Jointly Organized by Dept. of Information Technology & Dept. of MCA, College of Engineering Vadakara, & Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calicut 22-23 Feb 2016.

  6. Deepa V, Benson C. C and Lajish V. L, “Fractal dimension Analysis of Gray Matter and White Matter Tissues from Tumored MR Brain Images”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and Image Processing (RCIP 2016), Jointly Organized by Dept. of Information Technology & Dept. of MCA, College of Engineering Vadakara, & Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calicut 22-23 Feb 2016.

  7. Manjary P Gangan, Anoop K and Lajish V. L, “Word Profile and DTW Based Approach of Text Recognition for Retrieval in Malayalam News Videos”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and Image Processing (RCIP 2016), Jointly Organized by Dept. of Information Technology & Dept. of MCA, College of Engineering Vadakara, & Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calicut 22-23 Feb 2016.

  8. Lajish. V. L, “An Open Source Web GIS based Decision  Support System for Efficient Watershed Management in Precision Paddy Farming with People Participation”, 28th Kerala Science Congress, University of Calicut, January 2016.

  9. Habeebath K P and Lajish V. L, “A Comparative study on the Development of Morphological Analyzers for Malayalam Language”, National seminar on Research trends in Computer Science (RTCS 16), MES, Ponnani, 21st Jan.2016.

  10. K B Baiju, K Sabeerath and V. L Lajish, “Features and Classification Techniques in Online Recognition of Handwritten Dravidian Scripts - A Quick Review”, Natural Language Processing Symposium on Dravidian Languages (iDravidian 2015), IITMK, Trivandrum, 10th December 2015.

  11. Habeebath K P and Lajish V. L, “Development of Morphological Analyzers for Dravidian Languages - A Comprehensive Survey”, Natural Language Processing Symposium on Dravidian Languages (iDravidian 2015), IITMK, Trivandrum, 10th December 2015.

  12. Anoop K, P. Vivek and  Lajish V.L, “A keyword spotting approach for content based indexing and retrieval of Malayalam news videos”, National symposium on acoustics, National Institute of Oceanography and ASI - Goa 2015, 7-9 October 2015. [Paper]

  13. R.K. Sunil Kumar, K.M. Muraleedharan, P. Vivek and V.L. Lajish, “Study of nonlinear properties of vocal tract and its effectiveness in speaker modelling”, National symposium on acoustics, National Institute of Oceanography and ASI - Goa 2015, 7-9 October 2015.

  14. Lajish V.L, Habeebath Kakkattuputhiyottil, and P. Vivek, “A morpheme based language model for Malayalam spoken short query processing”, National symposium on acoustics, National Institute of Oceanography and ASI - Goa 2015, 7-9 October 2015.

  15. P. Vivek, R.K. Sunil Kumar, and Lajish V.L, “Automatic keyword spotting from Malayalam conversational speech using HMM”, National symposium on acoustics, National Institute of Oceanography and ASI - Goa 2015, 7-9 October 2015.

  16. Anoop K and Lajish V.L, “Morphology Based Text Detection and Extraction from Malayalam News Videos”, Proc. 5th National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC), Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi, Kerala, 17 – 18 Jan 2015. [Paper][Code]

  17. Vivek P, Lajish V.L. and Sunil Kumar R.K, “Improved Vowel Phoneme Classification over the Eigenvalues of the Reconstructed Phase Space using ANN”, Proc. 5th National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC), Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi, Kerala, 17 – 18 Jan 2015.

  18. Reshma P.K and Lajish V.L, “Semantic Web Framework for Improved e-Governance”, UGC-Sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trends for Privacy Preservation  Techniques in Data Mining, 7-8 July 2015,  at St.Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala.

  19. Santhosh K.P. Benson CC and Lajish V.L., “Edge Assisted Text Information Extraction from Scene Images”. UGC Sponsored National Conference on Computational Intelligence Practices and Technology (ConCIPT 2014-15), 1-2 January 2015, Farook College Kozhikode, Kerala.

  20. Silpa C. and Lajish V.L.” Online Malayalam Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Directional Features and ANN”, UGC Sponsored National Conference on Computational Intelligence Practices and Technology (ConCIPT 2014-15), 1-2 January 2015, Farook College Kozhikode, Kerala.

  21. Reshma. P. K and Lajish. V. L, “Web Mining for Multimedia Data- A Soft Computing Framework”, National Seminar on Data Mining in Cloud Computing, Proceedings Published by International Journal of Scientific and & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 5, Issue: 9, Vol. 5, Issue: 9, September 2014, pp.27-32.

  22. Suresh Babu K., Sunil Kumar R.K, Sandesh EPA, Vijith T.K. and Lajish V.L “Developmental Strategies for ICT Tools Supporting Constructive Paradigm in Science Education”, 26th Kerala Science Congress, Wayanad, 28-31 Jan 2014.

  23. Lajish V.L, Vivek P. and Sunil Kumar R.K “Malayalam Speech Controlled Multipurpose Robotic Arm”, 26th Kerala Science Congress, Wayanad, 28-31 Jan 2014.

  24. Benson CC and Lajish V.L., “Morphology based Malayalam Text Localization from Scene Images”, Proc. of the National Seminar on advances in Computing, Communications and Application, pp-25-29, 20-21 Nov., SS College. Areacode, Kerala, 2013.

  25. Lajish V.L, Sunil Kumar R K, “A Quick Review of Recognition Strategies Based on Neural Network and Neuro-fuzzy Approaches with Special Reference to HCR in Indian Languages”, Proc. 3rd National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC2013), 19-20 January, CUSAT, Cochin, 2013.

  26. Sunil Kumar R K, Lajish V.L, , Vivek P, “Malayalam consonant vowel recognition based on Visual Geometric Features and ANN”, Proc. 3rd National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC2013), 19-20 January, CUSAT, Cochin, 2013.


Books Edited


  1. Infinitude: Frontiers of Research in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Published by UGC HERC, University of Calicut, ISBN : 9788191070627 (Edited by Dr.Lajish VL)

  2. Infinitude: Frontiers of Research in Mathematical and Computing Science, Published by UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, December 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87398-82-5 (Edited by Dr.Lajish VL)

Contact DCS

Department of Computer Science
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